Yagcioglu, Ozlem(Australia International Cultural and Educational Institute (AICEI), 2013-06-20)
Foreign language learners often need motivation and they like learning a new foreign language with different methods and approaches. They often need to improve their language skills such as reading, writing, speaking and ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(Australian International Cultural and Educational Institute (AICEI), 2013-06)
In recent years of our modern world, lots of new techniques and approaches on English language teaching have been invented and developed by language specialists. Creative and global thinking have always increased the ways ...
Yağcıoğlu, Özlem(Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmacıları Derneği&Prof. Dr. Dinçay KÖKSAL /Prof. Dr. Ahmet ATAÇ, 2018-09-25)
Teaching vocabulary is not a new subject in foreign language education, but there are some new methods in teaching the vocabulary items and their pronunciation to our students. We can also use the traditional methods ...
Yağcıoğlu, Özlem(Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmacıları Derneği & Prof. Dr. Dinçay Köksal/Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ataç, 2018-09-25)
Cultural diversity means having different cultures. Having different cultures in our classes can make us more cheerful and happier as we should learn new ideas and approaches day by day. It is a kind of richness in learning ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(European Centre for Research Training and Development UK, 2017-12-30)
Teachers or professors who teach English as a second or as a foreign language use many different teaching techniques and approaches in their classes. Students who learn English as a second or as a foreign language enjoy ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(European Journal of English Language Teaching, 2016-11-30)
There are many materials, books and resources for the self-studies which can be useful in the ESL and in the EFL classrooms. Choosing the ones which can make learners more creative and happier will help our students to ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(European Journal of Education Studies, 2017-06-19)
Blended Learning in Higher Education is one of the most popular topics in education in the modern world.In this article, The book review on blended learning will be explained. The framework, the principles and the guidelines ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(European Journal of Education Studies, 2019-01-12)
Public notices are always very important in all parts of the world. But there are many
different kinds of notices in different countries of the world. They differ according the
cultures and the societies in that city, ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(European Journal of Education Studies, 2019-01-14)
Teachers and professors learn many approaches from their academic books and from
each other to teach foreign languages in their classes. The autonomy approach is one of
the most important and necessary approaches in ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(European Journal of English Language Teaching, 2016-11-11)
In the EFL, ESL, ESP and in the ELT classes, students are taught their courses with
different kinds of methods and approaches. Cognitive learning styles are the most
essential styles in foreign language education. In ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(European Journal of Education Studies, 2018-12-31)
Teaching adjectives and adverbs and adverbs is a very important subject in English
language education. If the students who learn English as a second or a third language
can use adjectives and adverbs effectively, they ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, 2010-11-11)
This paper deals with language learning strategies in teaching English. Chamot and O’Malley (1994: 60-61) lists the types of learnings strategies as:Metacognitive Strategies
Cognitive Strategies. Social/ Affective Strategies, ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(Aytekin Isman- Sakarya University &IETC& TOJET, 2005-09-21)
As it is known, there are three types of learning strategies which are called metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and social/affective strategies. They are defined as thoughts or activities that assist in ...
Yağcıoğlu, Özlem(ELSELVIER Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014-10-07)
Optimism always helps people to become more powerful and happier. Due to the obstacles in life conditions, people sometimes feel themselves weak and unhappy. When they feel themselves unhappy, it is difficult for them to ...
Yağcıoğlu, Özlem(ELSELVIER Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014-10-20)
In the recent years, lots of new methods and approaches have been used in ELT classes.There are lots of language educators who have realised that new techniques and approaches help language learners more than the other ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015-08-03)
Learner autonomy in foreign language teaching and learning has been a favourite topic for a long time. Since the beginning of the millennium year, there have been lots of studies to promote learner autonomy in different ...
Yagcioglu, Ozlem(European Journal of English Language Teaching, 2016-11-30)
There are many materials, books and resources for the self-studies which can be useful in the ESL and in the EFL classrooms. Choosing the ones which can make learners more creative and happier will help our students to ...