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Yalın üretim tekniklerinden hızlı kalıp değişimi ve bir uygulama

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dc.contributor.author Filiz, Hande
dc.date.accessioned 2015-11-26T14:48:29Z NULL
dc.date.available 2015-11-26T14:48:29Z NULL
dc.date.issued 2008
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12397/11311 NULL
dc.description.abstract With the increase of production companies and every single company's struggling on its own aiming at surviving, the companies have gotten into a world wide cut – throat competition. The way of winning in this competition and surviving, is not realizing great investment or having much experience but employing the labour force, the materials, the equipments and time at hand with maximum efficiency. At the present day, not accessing the information but employing the information in the demanded way has gained importance. Lean production system is confronted as a consequence of the search for effectuating the cheapest and flawless production on a basis one to one compatible with the demand of the customer, with the least dissipation and resource, in the shortest time possible. This demand has become noticeable to a large extent due to the growth of globalization, the fact that the customers require the products best fitting their demand, not settling for the same type of products, the fact that, with the advancement of technology, the customers can purchase whatever product they require from whichever country of the world they want and in the light of all these developments, due to the increase in rivalry. Lean production approach is a magnificent entirety of techniques which can cover the requirements of the producers, starting business by altering the way of thinking. This study consists of four sections. In the first section, general information such as lean production approach, the features and benefits of this approach have been mentioned. In the second section, information such as primary lean production techniques and the purposes for which these techniques are used and their yields have been stated. In the third section, one of the lean production techniques, the SMED technique, has been discussed and processed in a detailed way. In the final section of the study, on the other hand, being the application phase, the implementation of the SMED technique in a company making paper food packaging is dealt with and the results of the study made are conveyed. Key words: Lean Production, Value, Waste, SMED, Time With the increase of production companies and every single company's struggling on its own aiming at surviving, the companies have gotten into a world wide cut – throat competition. The way of winning in this competition and surviving, is not realizing great investment or having much experience but employing the labour force, the materials, the equipments and time at hand with maximum efficiency. At the present day, not accessing the information but employing the information in the demanded way has gained importance. Lean production system is confronted as a consequence of the search for effectuating the cheapest and flawless production on a basis one to one compatible with the demand of the customer, with the least dissipation and resource, in the shortest time possible. This demand has become noticeable to a large extent due to the growth of globalization, the fact that the customers require the products best fitting their demand, not settling for the same type of products, the fact that, with the advancement of technology, the customers can purchase whatever product they require from whichever country of the world they want and in the light of all these developments, due to the increase in rivalry. Lean production approach is a magnificent entirety of techniques which can cover the requirements of the producers, starting business by altering the way of thinking. This study consists of four sections. In the first section, general information such as lean production approach, the features and benefits of this approach have been mentioned. In the second section, information such as primary lean production techniques and the purposes for which these techniques are used and their yields have been stated. In the third section, one of the lean production techniques, the SMED technique, has been discussed and processed in a detailed way. In the final section of the study, on the other hand, being the application phase, the implementation of the SMED technique in a company making paper food packaging is dealt with and the results of the study made are conveyed. Key words: Lean Production, Value, Waste, SMED, Time en_US
dc.language.iso tr en_US
dc.publisher DEÜ Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü en_US
dc.subject Yalın üretim=Lean production Yalın yönetim=Lean management en_US
dc.title Yalın üretim tekniklerinden hızlı kalıp değişimi ve bir uygulama en_US
dc.title.alternative One of the lean production techniques the SMED technique and an application en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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