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Genç ve elit triatletlerde bisiklet egzersizi sonrasında dengenin değerlendirilmesi

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dc.contributor.author Beğen, Aslı
dc.date.accessioned 2015-11-25T14:42:13Z NULL
dc.date.available 2015-11-25T14:42:13Z NULL
dc.date.issued 2008
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12397/10132 NULL
dc.description.abstract Giriş: Triatletlerin zorlandığı yarış bölümlerden olan bisiklet-koşu geçişinde gözlenen denge kayıplarını önlemek yarış başarısı için önemlidir. Amaç: Genç ve elit triatletlerde yorgunluk oluşturmayacak düzeyde yapılan submaksimal bisiklet egzersizinin denge üzerine etkisini değerlendirmek Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya İzmir ilinde yaşayan 7 elit ve 8 genç triatlet katılmıştır. Sporculara VO2max ve anaerobik eşik testleri yapılmış ve buna göre belirlenen submaksimal düzeyde bisiklet egzersizi sonrasında Balance Master cihazıyla statik ve dinamik denge ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Elit sporcuların VO2max değerleri gençlerden anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunmuştur. "Tek ayak üzerinde duruş" testi sol alt ekstremitede gözler açıkken yapıldığında gençlerde bisiklet egzersizi sonrasında gövde salınımının istatistiksel anlamlı olarak arttığı saptanmıştır (p Sonuç: Bu çalışmadan elde edilen veriler yorgunluk oluşmaksızın görülen denge-koordinasyon kaybının var olan denge problemleri veya fiziksel özelliklerden kaynaklanabileceğini göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: elit triatlet, genç triatlet, denge, bisiklet-koşu geçişi, VO2max, anaerobik eşik en_US
dc.description.abstract ABSTRACT Assesment of Balance in Junior and Elite Triathletes after Cycling Exercise Aslı Beğen Introduction: Preventing balance problems in the cycle to run transition that is one of the hardest part of the triathlon race is important for race achievment . Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assest the effect of submaximal cycling exercise on balance in junior and elite triathletes. Material and Method: 8 junior and 7 elite triathletes who live in Izmir participated in this study. VO2max and anaerobic threshold tests were performed and determined submaximal lactate threshold. The balance tests with Balance Master device was performed in the submaksimal lactate threshold. Results: VO2max values in elite triathletes was found elevated according to juniors. When the "Unilateral Stance" test was tested eyes opened for the left side , body sway of the junior triathletes was increased significantly (p Conclusion: Balance problems in junior triathletes occured without fatigue on the submaximal anaerobic threshold. It shows that balance prolems could be because of the balance and/or physical characteristics. Key Words: elite triathlete, junior triathlete, balance, cycle to run transition, VO2max, anaerobic threshold Introduction: Preventing balance problems in the cycle to run transition that is one of the hardest part of the triathlon race is important for race achievment . Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assest the effect of submaximal cycling exercise on balance in junior and elite triathletes. Material and Method: 8 junior and 7 elite triathletes who live in Izmir participated in this study. VO2max and anaerobic threshold tests were performed and determined submaximal lactate threshold. The balance tests with Balance Master device was performed in the submaksimal lactate threshold. Results: VO2max values in elite triathletes was found elevated according to juniors. When the "Unilateral Stance" test was tested eyes opened for the left side , body sway of the junior triathletes was increased significantly (p Conclusion: Balance problems in junior triathletes occured without fatigue on the submaximal anaerobic threshold. It shows that balance prolems could be because of the balance and/or physical characteristics. Key Words: elite triathlete, junior triathlete, balance, cycle to run transition, VO2max, anaerobic threshold en_US
dc.language.iso tr en_US
dc.publisher DEÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü en_US
dc.subject en_US
dc.title Genç ve elit triatletlerde bisiklet egzersizi sonrasında dengenin değerlendirilmesi en_US
dc.title.alternative Assesment of balance in junior and elite triathletes after cycling exercise en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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